February 18, 2009

Wannabe Photographer

This weekend I spent time with my family and then on Monday hung out with my cousins and friends. On Monday, I wanted to practice using my "new" DSLR camera. So, we decided that we'd have a photoshoot (somewhat) at Too Good Pond in Unionville, Markham. The sun was shining and there was lots of people there.

So, here I was an amateur photographer learning about Aperture, F-Stop, white balance, etc. Things were going over my head, but still took some photos and tried to get a hang of things. Some photos you couldn't make out because I didn't make adjustments, some of them my models or subjects were too dark. I suppose in time and with alot of practice and patience, I will get the hang of it and eventually come out with some decent photos. This year, I will spend time on familiarizing myself with all the terminology and just have FUN!

Now all I need is a new laptop or computer...looking at buying a Mac. Oh the possibilities with that. I could really use it to fix up some of my photos and even start designing some greeting cards. I've got all these dreams and things I want to do with my life, but I'm so limited.

Dreams can turn into reality and I'm hoping that all of mine will. Currently, I'm working towards completing my Event Management Certificate with the George Washington University but I'm taking it through Ryerson's Ted Rogers School of Business. Definitely, something I'm really looking forward to doing in the future-planning & coordinating events.

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