March 6, 2009

(as defined by the Merrian-Webster online dictionary
Adj. to please greatly

My horoscope said that "becoming too complacent in your daily routine is not wise for your career growth". Ok I thought, interesting that my horoscope came at a time like this in my life where I'm at a crossroad in my career life. The current economic times are making it very difficult for many businesses that they have begun letting people go. At my work, it seems like business has slowed down once again since the RRSP season ended only a few days ago. For a few months now, I have been contemplating what it is that I wanted to do next with my life. I'm no longer enjoying what I'm doing anymore. My motivation has totally been robbed of me. The goals are unrealistic and some of the people I work with have become too much for me to handle. I don't want to scam in order to survive. I want to do things the right way.

Anyways back to the horoscope...I thought about it and yeah maybe I try to please others too much. I went about my morning routine preparing for work and as I was driving into work I turned on the radio. And the first thing I heard when I turned it on was the word "Complacent". It's like it was all over reminding me to not be too nice.

Anyhoo, I have a vacation day tomorrow and I'm going to enjoy it...and then I have a two day course that ends at 6:30 pm on Saturday. I can't wait...I'm excited to complete this certificate program.

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